A Warm Welcome

Welcome, fellow gamester! This is another of my compendiums on public domain games. The entire purpose of this document is to collect as many games that seem interesting to me and I can record in a single place. As such, it is an ever evolving document.

Most of these games do have optional betting or drinking rules. The exact mechanisms for betting is mostly outside the scope of this document, but any sort of mechanism agreed upon by players may be used. A few words of caution! Some people have addiction conditions and may feel inclined to drink or bet too much, including their houses. As such, I do not encourage using these rules with these individuals. If drinking rules are used, provide something non-alcoholic. If betting rules are used, provide something like candy or potato chips.

The layout of this document is split up into several sections that are based on the type of game. The document is alphabetized both by section and by each game in the corresponding section.

© 2024 William Moore. The Incompleat Gamester is distributed using the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license.

Note on Cribbage Boards

It’s possible that some games may require keeping scores. Either inside games or between the games or both. There are wonderful ways of going about this. However, I recommend cribbage boards. It’s their purpose when used with the old English game of Cribbage! Plus, doing so gives the play a more English Renaissance feel.

Converting Between Tarot Decks

Before going into the rules, it is worth mentioning there might be some issues with different tarot decks and their suits. This section discusses how to convert understanding between each suit and their associated decks with the French suits.



Universal Waite


Games are meant to be played. As such, most of these games were played by myself and either my wife, Nina, or our kids, Henry and Olivia.

Furthermore, the development of the document itself wouldn’t be possible without the usage of GNU Emacs.