
The demons of Hell are escaping through a portal. You and your friends will need to join forces to slay them with your weapons!

Set Up

For this game, you'll need:

Roll two six-sided dice to determine the number of demons to fight.

The Rules

In Demonslaying, you and, optionally, other players are attempting to slay various demons by rolling 5 dice. Players will simultaneiously score Yacht-like hands, in no particular order and repeatible, which in turn deals damage to the demon, depending on the hand type. Like Yacht, you may set aside any number of dice, rerolling those not set aside a total of three times. Whever is the final "hand" is the one dealing damage.

If at any time no hand is generated, the player takes one point of damage. Once a player receives six damage, they are out of the game.

The Hands

The following hands are possible and their associated damage:

Hand Damage
Two or more of a single face Count * 10
Three of a Kind Total pip count of the kind * 10
Four of a Kind Total pip count of the kind * 10
Full House (3 + 2 of two kinds) 25
Small Straight (4 in a sequence) 30
Large Straight (5 in a sequence) 40
Yacht (Five of a Kind) 50

The Demons

All demons enter our world through the portal. However, the portal is only big enough for one at a time and they usually get stuck. To determine which demon enters, roll a six-sided die and consult the table below.

Result Demon
1 Imp
2 Troll
3 Demon
4 Hell Fiend
5 Archfiend
6 Demonlord

Determination of the health is easy. Multiply the roll by 50 and that is the health. When slaying a demon, write down the starting health of the demon and this is the score given to all players.

End of the Game

The end of the game occurs when all players are out or the pre-determined number of demons have been defeated. If at least one player survives after the pre-determined rounds, all players are brought back to life and receive the same total score.