
After about a year of playing around with various systems and RPGs, I gravitated more towards cinematic and subjective systems. Enter the old game: Fudge System.

The Fudge System is a way to subjectively and with very little number crunching. Everything follows along a "trait ladder", an example is below, starting at Fair and working the way up or down, depending on what's happening. This includes attributes, for which I don't have a particular taste, skills, gifts, and faults. The added bonus is it's entirely customizable. You can build an entire RPG off of it, such as what FATE did, as well as many others.

So, it is with a glad heart GrungeWorks will continue to support Aetheria and expand upon it. Additionally, my heart is glad and looking forward to start building new RPG projects using the Fudge System.

My Fudge Trait Ladder

  • Legendary (+4)
  • Superb (+3)
  • Great (+2)
  • Good (+1)
  • Fair (0)
  • Mediocre (-1)
  • Poor (-2)
  • Terrible (-3)
  • Abysmal (-4)