Pointy Poker Dice

Description Value
Number of Players 1+
Difficulty Medium
Play Length Medium

Pointy Poker Dice is a poker dice style game using a set of six-sided dice.


The objective is to score the most points than the other players in a predetermined amount of rounds. During each round, dice are rolled and points are determined based on the kind of “hand" generated by the dice.


The only equipement necessary are 5 six-sided dice and something with to keep score.

Set Up

First, determine player turn order if more than one person is playing. This could be based on age or the roll of a die, for example. Next, agree upon a certain number of rounds.

Game Flow

The acting player rolls their dice. They may keep the result or set aside any number of dice and roll the remainder. They may repeat this for a total of three times, keeping all results if they reach the third time. When their turn is over that round, they pass the dice on to the next player in the turn order.

The “hands" have points accociated with each. Here are their names, results that make up them, and their points:

Hand Combo Description Point Value
One pair   1
Two pair   2
Three of a Kind   3
Straight No combinations, but sequential dice values 4
Full House   5
Four of a Kind   6
Five of a Kind   10

If no “hand" is generated from above, there are no points earned for that player that round.

Winning the Game

After the pre-determined number of rounds, the player with the highest score wins the game. If there are ties, roll dice to determine the winner.

Solitaire Rules

The rules for solitaire are very basic. Determine how many rounds of play you want, generate a point-worthy hand each round as laid out in the game play, and your score is the summation of the points of all the rounds. Next, try to match or beat that score in another game.


Optionally, players may bet. This is accomplished on a round-by-round basis. They must put in an amount that was agreed upon prior to the start of the game to play in that round.